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Bulletproof Glass (11 articles)

How to Take Care of My Bulletproof Windshield

Caring for your bulletproof windshield is crucial to ensure its long-lasting performance and optimal protection. Regular maintenance helps preserve the clarity and functionality of this .....

Jul 12 2 Min read

Where can I buy parts for my bulletproof car?

  If you're looking to buy parts for your bulletproof car, Armormax® is a reputable manufacturer and supplier of armored vehicle parts and accessories. They .....

Mar 16 1 Min read

Where is bulletproof glass made?

Armormax® has different facilities where the bulletproof glass is manufactured. The custom made bulletproof glass that is optically advanced, highly resistant, and transparent, which is .....

Jun 15 1 Min read

Is bulletproof glass legal to install?

Yes, the installation of bulletproof glass in private cars is entirely legal, and anyone can install bulletproof glass for protection in their vehicle (we recommend .....

Jun 12 2 Min read

How much does bullet resistant glass cost?

Bulletproof glass, a hallmark of modern security, isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. It comes in various rating levels and configurations, each impacting its cost. Understanding these .....

Apr 15 4 Min read

How thick is ballistic glass?

In the realm of vehicle security, Armormax® sets the gold standard with its innovative ballistic glass solutions. Our commitment to precision and protection is unwavering, .....

Apr 15 1 Min read

Are BMW windows bulletproof?

No - standard windows from the OEM manufacturer are typically not bulletproof. If you want bulletproof windows you will need to reach out to Armormax .....

Apr 14 1 Min read

Is bullet proof glass legal?

Yes. Bulletproof glass can be used in a variety of fields from vehicles to banks to home protection. The glass is designed to protect individuals .....

Apr 14 2 Min read

What tint can I have on my bulletproof glass?

Armormax glass can be tinted to any percentage needed (and per client request). We recommend you adhere to your local laws where the vehicle will .....

Apr 12 2 Min read

How much does a bulletproof windshield cost?

Pricing will vary based on the type of windshield and protection level. You can expect to pay anywhere from $4,000 to $18,000 with shipping for .....

Apr 12 1 Min read

Can I buy bullet proof glass for my car?

If you're considering enhancing the security of your car, you might be wondering if it's possible to buy bulletproof glass. Bulletproof glass is designed to .....

Apr 11 2 Min read

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